Sunday, June 20, 2010

Troop 783 Camp Geronimo 2010.
(L to R Back row)- Bryce Kelley, Bro Hitchcock, Daniel Brackney, Caden Wyatt, Isaac Shriver, Bro Matyas, (L to R Front Row)- Tell Ellsworth, Mathew Shriver(behind Tell), Jason Dunford, Porter Crandell, Zach Saxon, Trint Kleinman.

Celebrating Bud's 10 years of being a Scout master at Camp Geronimo for Troop 222 from Phx. Thanks for all you have done for us. Your leadership and troop are great examples to us all.

Bro. Matyas and the troop with their best side forward.

Monday morning KP duty.
Great job guys.

(Bryce) I wanted to serve the eggs!

(Trint) GOT MILK!!

( Mathew) Bro Matyas how about this for a class A uniform?Don't I look good!

If only I was younger and had more hair, they would let me help on the serving line.

I warned you guys, the beans would would give you gas!

We'll never be done in time to go to the ball.

(Caden) "Bro. Hitchcock, don't tell anyone I spit in the eggs".

(Isaac) can you hurry up the line my hands are getting tired from massaging these cinnamon rolls.

(Zach) Do you think that hot girl on kitchen staff will notice how well I can stack these cups.

(Tell) Good thing I remembered to put on my underwear.

Oops, was that me.

Our favorite time of the day.

(Porter) Look ma, even after 5 days at camp our hair still looks good, and our uniforms are clean.

Order of the Arrow ceremony.

Caden and Tell were tapped out for the Order of the Arrow.
Way to go guys!

Getting ready for the Polor Bear swim. Brrr.

This is why they call it the Polor Bear swim, just look at that white bear in the middle.

This should be a merit badge.No paper work involved.

Us leaders needed a break from the boys, so we found something we were good at.